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Studi Potensi PLTMH Gungung Kidul dan Rancang Bangun PLTMH Sumber Karang Kulon Klepu Desa Banyusoco Kecamatan Playen Kabupaten Gunung Kidul
Oleh : Mujiman
Program Studi Magister Sistem Teknik
Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada
Penyediaan energi listrik untuk masa depan merupakan persoalan yang strategis
menjadi perhatian semua bangsa. Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan
dasar bagi aktifitas keseharian masyarakat untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari – hari
baik untuk rumah tangga, perkantoran, penerangan serta industri. Kabupaten
Gunungkidul merupakan wilayah dataran tinggi dan ber gunung – gunung dengan
ketinggian antara 100 – 300 meter dari permukaan laut dengan luas wilayah 1.485,36
km2,terletak pada 0746′ - 0809′ LS dan 11021′- 11050′ BT, curah hujan pada th
2004 1.382mm, hari hujan 75 HH bertiup angin muson, pada saat musim hujan
bertiup angin dari arah barat daya bersifat basah yang mendatangkan hujan, saat
musim kemarau bertiup angin dari arah tenggara yang agak kering dengan kecepatan
5 - 16 km/jam, suhu udara 23 C – 34 C dengan suhu harian rata – rata 27 C.
Wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul dikenal dengan sebutan tanah karst, dengan
kondisi geologi dan hidrologi serta tata air menyebabkan potensi terjadinya pola
aliran sungai permukaan, sungai bawah tanah, sumber mata air,danau ataupun telaga
sehingga berpotensi untuk dikembangkannya PLTMH.
Penelitian diawali dengan pengamatan dilapangan serta mendapatkan data-data
primer maupun sekunder. Dengan didapatkannya data - data debit aliran, tinggi
terjun akan dapat diprediksi listrik yang dapat dibangkitkan.
Dari hasil survei telah didapatkan hasil beberapa lokasi potensi tenaga air untuk
pembangkit listrik bersekala kecil di kabupaten Gunungkidul antara lain: Sumber
mata air Cingcinggoling Tinggi terjunan = 20 m, Debit = 0,080 m3/d dengan daya
yang dihasilkan =11.000 watt, Sumber mata air Karang Kulon: Tinggi head = 6,5 m,
Debit = 0,200 m3/d, daya yang dihasilkan = 10.000 watt, Sumber Slempret 2: Head =
4,5m Debit= 0,100 m3/d menghasilkan daya di prediksi = 3.000 watt. Sumber
slempret 1: Head =24,5m Debit = 0,100 m3/d menghasilkan daya di prediksi =
18.000 watt. Mata air kali Gedong Head = 8,5m Debit = 0,115 m3/d menghasilkan
daya di prediksi = 7.000 watt, dan masih banyak lagi potensi yang lain.
Kata Kunci : Studi Potensi, Rancangbangun, Energi Listrik, PLTMH
Potency Study of Gunungkidul Sub-Province Microhydro Energy Electric
Power and The Design of Microhydro Energy Electrik Power Station in
Karangkulon Wellspring Source Klepu, Sub-District Banyusoco District
Playen Sub-Province Gunungkidul
By : Mujiman
Program Study of Magister Technique System
Program Pasca Master of Gadjah Mada University
Provision of an electrics energy for the future is a strategic problem that
become an attention for all nation. Electrics energi is one of base requirement for the
society daily activity to fullfill teir daily needs, that for house hold, offices,. Lighting,
and industry.Sub- Province of Gunungkidul is a plateau and region of plateau and
mountainous area, 100 - 300 metres from sea level of height, 1.485,36 km2 in area,
located in 07 46′ - 08 09′ of South Transversal and 110 21′ - 110 50′ of East
Longitude, rainfall in 2004 was 1382 mm, 75 rd of rainday, the mousson wind,
blows, on the rain season there is wetly wind from the southeast,will be coused the
rain. On the dry season there is a dried wind from the southeast,that 5 - 16 km /
hour, in speed, 23 - 34 C in temperature 27 C. in average daily temperature. Sub-
Province of Gunungkidul area is recogonized as a karst land, with the geology
condition, hydrology and water condition cause many potential stream pattern, that is
surface river, underground river,source of wellspring, and lake.For it reason that have
potency to be developed become a Microhydro Energy Electric Power Station.
The Research was began by field perception and collected the primary and
sekunder data. After we got a debit data it could be predicted the electrics able to be
The result of the research shows that, there are many places in sub- province of
Gunungkidul that have a potency to become a Microhydro Energy Electric Power
Station there are Cingcinggoling wellspring souce, it was 20 m in head; 0,080 m3/s
in debit, and the yielded energy was 11.000 watt; Karang Kulon wellspring souce, it
was 6,5 m, in head; 0,200 m3/s in debid, and 10.000 watt for the energy that was
yielded, Slempret 2 wellspring souce, it was 4,5m in head; 0,100 m3/s in debid, and
the yielded energy was 3.000 watt, Slempret 1 wellspring souce, it was 24,5m, in
head; 0,100 m3/ s in debid, the yielded energy was 18.000 watt. And Kali Gedong
Wellspring Kali Gedong souce, it was 8,5m in head; 0,115 m3/s in debit,and the
predicted energy was 7.000 watt, and many more potency.
Key Words : Potency Study, Design, Electrics Energy, Microhydro
Energi Electric Power Station
Juni 2007
R 153.43 Muj s c.1 06.2007
Magister Sistem Teknik UGM
xvi, 106 hlm.; ilus.; 29 cm.
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