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Studi Kelayakan dan Desain Turbin pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) di Kabupaten Sanggau Propinsi Kalimantan Barat
Energi listrik saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan pokok dan memainkan
peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia, hanya saja ketersediannya di desa-
desa sangat terbatas. Rasio elektrifikasi desa di Kalimantan Barat baru mencapai
68,18 %. Salah satu alternatif penyediaan energi listrik untuk masyarakat desa
adalah dengan memanfaatkan energi air dalam bentuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga
Mikrohidro. Agar pembangunan PLTMH dapat bermanfaat secara optimal
beberapa faktor harus dipertimbangkan, antara lain kelayakan teknis, kelayakan
sosial ekonomi dan kelayakan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui kelayakan teknis dan ekonomi serta jenis turbin yang sesuai untuk
pembangunan PLTMH Punti Tapau di Kabupaten Sanggau Propinsi Kalimantan
Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan data lapangan. Data tersebut meliputi
debit, head, kontur dan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Analisis teknik
dilakukan sebagai dasar untuk mengetahui kelayakan ekonomi dan jenis turbin
untuk PLTMH ini. Parameter yang digunakan dalam menentukan kelayakan
ekonomi adalah Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dan
keuntungan bersih (net benefit). Parameter yang digunakan untuk menentukan
jenis turbin adalah kecepatan spesifik serta berdasarkan debit aliran dan head.
Hasil analisis teknis menunjukkan dengan debit 0,554 m 3 /detik dan head
bersih 15 m, potensi daya terbangkitkan sebesar 48,91266 kW, produksi listrik
tahunan sebesar 309.910,6138 kWh. Hasil analisis ekonomi menunjukkan biaya
investasi yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp 674.379.191,00 jika proyek ini dibiayai dari
pinjaman dengan bunga 13 % didapat nilai BCR = 1,115, IRR = 14,718 % dan net
benefit = Rp 20.306.537,20 secara ekonomi layak. Jenis turbin yang sesuai untuk
pembangkit ini adalah turbin aliran silang (cross flow) dengan diameter runner
503 mm, panjang 303 mm pada putaran 300 rpm dan efisiensi turbin 87,80 %.
Kata Kunci : Sungai, Debit dan Head, Turbin cross flow dan analisis ekonomi.
Today electric energy has become primary needs and plays important role
in human life, but its availability in villages is very limited. The electricity ratio of
villages in West Kalimantan is only 68.18%. One of the alternatives for providing
electric energy for village society is by using water energy in the form of Mycro
hydro Electric Power Plant. In order that the development of this Mycro hydro
Electric Power plant is optimally beneficial, some factors need to be considered,
such as technical feasibility, social economic feasibility and environmental
feasibility. This research aims to find out the technical and economical feasibility,
also the appropriate kind of turbine for the development of Punti Tapau Micro
hydro Electric Power Plant in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province.
This research was conducted based on the data found in the field. The data
included the of flow, head, the contour and the social economic condition of the
society. The technical analysis was done as the basis to find out the economic
feasibility and the kind of turbine for this Micro hydro Electric Power Plant. The
parameters used in determining the economic feasibility were Benefit Cost Ratio
(BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Benefit. The parameters used to
determine the kind of turbine were specific velocity and the rate of flow as well as
The result of the technical analysis showed that by rate of flow
0.554 m 3 /second and net head 15 m, the potential power generated was
48.91266 kW, the annual electric production was 309,910.6138 kWh. The result
of the economic analysis showed that the cost of investment required was
Rp 674,379,191,00 If this project was funded by loans with 13 % of interest rate
then the value of BCR would be 1.115, IRR would be 14.718 % and net benefit
would be Rp 20,309,537.20 and was economically feasible. The appropriate kind
of turbine for this power plant was cross flow turbine with runner diameter of 503
mm, 303 mm in length at 300 rpm speed of rotation and the turbine efficiency was
87.80 %.
Key words : river, the rate of flows and Head, cross flow turbine, economic
Desember 2005
R 153.43 Jai s c.1 12.2005
Magister Sistem Teknik UGM
xx, 101 hlm.; ilus.; 29 cm.
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